crankygirl | today's little sigh

[the NHL is overtaking the air in my apartment. I can't get the soundtrack out of my head.]

Chirac wins. [ Les résultats communiqués par le ministère de l'intérieur créditent Jacques Chirac de 82,06 % des voix, contre 17,94 % pour son adversaire, Jean-Marie Le Pen. ]

[miniature but not insignificant gripe: why does HTML (or for those tech-heads -- xhtml) , have such a ludicrous system for creating accents? ]

I saw on the television that there is a great collective sigh of relief occuring in France. I remain somewhat suspicious somehow. Whenever we are forced to vote so that our vote counts as a deterrent against extremism, it seems like a loss in advance.

Must visit link: Verisign, to follow the hoopla adventures, whereby a corporate baddie is being just that -- very bad. Tsk Tsk.

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p.s. They're taking Futurama off the air. Sign the petition to save it.